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How to commission High-Technology Capital Equipment | IES

Written by Admin | Jun 18, 2024 11:33:57 AM

You’ve spent the past few weeks relocating, installing and setting up a piece of high-technology capital equipment.

Now there’s just one more vital step before you can put that equipment into operation: commissioning. 

Commissioning involves running a series of tests and checks to validate that the equipment is fully operational, safe for use and able to work to the required specifications.

In this article, we’ll share the seven key stages of commissioning high-technology capital equipment—including the key considerations and best practices. 

1. Planning and Preparation

Start by obtaining a solid definition of the equipment’s performance objectives and technical specifications (including performance metrics and environmental conditions). These will serve as the criteria to test against during validation.

Next, assemble a team of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, software development, quality assurance, and operations management professionals to carry out the project. 

Lastly, work closely with your team to develop a detailed commissioning plan that outlines every step required to bring the equipment to full operational status. This should include: 

  • A schedule of tests and inspections: Including installation, environmental and performance testing
  • Safety protocols: Such as required safety training, emergency procedures and risk assessments
  • Criteria for acceptance: Including performance metrics the equipment must achieve, quality standards and regulatory compliance

Once you’ve put your plan together, you’re ready to start performing your checks and tests.

2. Installation Checks

Installation checks are crucial for verifying that the equipment has been installed and set up according to the precise specifications of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). 

They involve conducting a thorough inspection of both the physical and functional set-up of the equipment, including:

  • Alignment and levelling: Misalignment can cause unnecessary stress on mechanical components, as well as impact accuracy and throughput. Ensure equipment is correctly aligned and levelled according to OEM specifications
  • Connections and integrations: Unstable connections can cause short circuits, electrical fires, operational failures, mechanical breakdowns and more. Verify that all electrical and mechanical components are properly connected, and that integrations with control systems, data interfaces, and other equipment are strong
  • Compliance with OEM guidelines: To ensure the equipment performs as required, verify that all OEM-provided documentation and guidance (including installation manuals and guidelines) has been followed to the letter and documented.
  • Regulatory compliance: For adhering to legal, operational and health and safety requirements, ensure the equipment aligns with standards for safety, performance, and environmental impact.

3. Dry Testing

Dry testing (or pre-energization testing) involves rigorously testing mechanical components to ensure they’ve been properly installed and are fully functional before you introduce power to the system.

This involves first performing the following checks: 

  • Physical inspections: Conduct visual inspections to identify visible defects, misalignments, improper installations or signs of wear and damage
  • Manual operation: Manually operate moveable parts to ensure they move smoothly without resistance or unusual noise, as well as confirm there are no obstructions that can impact operation
  • Dimensional verification: Use precision measuring tools to verify that all components have been installed within the specified dimensions and tolerances provided by the OEM

Once those initial checks have been completed, the next step is to evaluate the equipment’s control systems in a simulated environment. The aim is to verify they’ve been set up correctly and are ready for operation. 

This involves performing several very specific types of checks:

    • Verifying software configuration: Ensure the control system software is properly installed and configured (including any necessary firmware updates or patches) and that control parameters align with operational requirements
    • Verifying sensor and actuator configuration: Verify that sensors are properly calibrated and configured, and that actuators are capable of performing their required functions
    • Simulation testing: Run the control system in a simulated environment to test its responses to various scenarios and identify any configuration errors

Integration testing: confirm the control system correctly interfaces and communicates with system components such as sensors, actuators and other machinery.

4. Wet Testing

Wet testing (or energisation) involves powering up the equipment under controlled conditions. The aim is to safely and effectively check that the equipment operates efficiently and as required. 

The process of wet testing involves:

  • Gradual energisation: This involves gradually powering up the equipment in increments, from low power to full operational power. Be sure to conduct checks at each increment to ensure systems are stable and operational before increasing power
  • Observing performance: Use monitoring systems to collect and continuously analyse real-time performance data against expected parameters and specifications
  • Safety system checks: Verify all safety features are functioning correctly and simulate emergency scenarios to test responsiveness and effectiveness
  • Monitor for abnormal behaviour: Closely watch for abnormal behaviours that could indicate underlying issues, and put in place a plan on how to address anomalies to prevent damage or hazards

5. Performance & functionality Testing

Once you have completed wet testing and powered up the equipment to full operational capacity, you should then conduct functional tests to validate its operational capabilities and verify that it performs as expected under various conditions. 

These include: 

  • Basic functionality: Test the equipment’s basic functions (including starting, stopping and running in its most simple operational modes) to ensure all components operate correctly. Measure initial performance metrics against expected values specified by the OEM
  • Operational simulations: Replicate conditions the equipment will work under during use, including typical load levels, peak usage times and environmental conditons
  • Load testing: Test the equipment across its full range of operational parameters. This includes load testing (subjecting the equipment to its full operational capacity, and beyond) to validate its performance under stress 
  • Feature utilisation: Test the equipment’s advanced features and functionalities, as well as user interfaces and control systems, to ensure they’re fully functional
  • Integration testing: Verify that the equipment integrates seamlessly with other systems and equipment within the wider operational workflow 

6. Validation 

Validation is about ensuring the equipment meets all operational, functional and compliance requirements, as well as set quality standards.

Validation involves:

  • Quality assurance testing: Perform thorough tests to ensure the equipment meets predefined quality criteria, functions as intended and will perform well across its whole lifespan
  • Consistency checks: Evaluate samples from different batches of production to ensure consistency in quality and performance, and continuously monitor the manufacturing process to ensure that all parameters remain within the specified ranges. 
  • Statistical analysis: Perform statistical analysis to identify trends, variations and potential issues in the production process. Implement SPC techniques to monitor and control operation, and analyse trends over time to spot any changes or shifts
  • Compliance verification: Ensure the equipment (and its output) comply with all relevant industry standards and regulatory requirements. Verify all necessary documentation (including test reports and certificates) is complete and accurate. We also recommend engaging independent third-party auditors to review the equipment and its operation 

7. Final Acceptance Testing

Final acceptance testing (FAT) is the final checkpoint in the commissioning process.

It involves conducting a comprehensive review to confirm that the equipment is safe, fully operational and ready to be handed over to operations.

Here are the key components of the FAT stage:

  • Comprehensive testing: Conduct a final round of testing to verify that the equipment performs under various operational and environmental conditions, and under its maximum operationa limits 
  • Performance review: Review key performance indicators to ensure the equipment meets specified performance criteria and to compare its performance against industry benchmarks. Gather feedback from operators and end-users who will be using the equipment to ensure it meets their expectations and operational needs 
  • Documentation verification: Ensure all necessary documentation is complete and accurate. This includes user manuals, maintenance guides, compliance certificates, test reports and training materials
  • Issue resolution: Carefully document any issues or discrepancies identified during FAT, implement the necessary adkustments and re-test equipment following corrective action

Once you’ve completed FAT and handed the equipment over to operations, we recommend monitorinh the equipment’s performance during its initial operational period to identify any emerging issues or areas for improvement. 

Install & Commission High-Technology Equipment to OEM Specifications

Whether you’re installing and commissioning single machines or entire production lines, you need personnel with the right experience and knowledge to meet OEM specifications and avoid disruption or damage. 

Our turnkey service covers every single part of that process, from CDM, assembly and bolt-up to start-up and commissioning. 

Learn more via our Equipment Installations service page here.