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IES's Flexibility Allows Us to Continue Supporting Customers

28th April 2020

The COVID-19 virus outbreak which we are currently dealing with has thrown many routine business practices into disarray. At IES, we consider ourselves fortunate, because while much of our work around Europe has halted, we are now in a position to provide additional resources to clients in the UK.

Manufacturers worldwide have had to re-strategise; coming to terms with a reduced workforce and changes to key links in their supply chain. Because we are a robust company which has always engendered a flexible organisational culture, we are now in a position to offer more services to those who need them. In this article, we explain why we are best placed to support UK manufacturing during this difficult time.

Keeping manufacturers moving 

The current situation has seen us, like many other global organisations, scale down our operations in Europe and further afield. This includes machinery movement projects which have understandably been postponed on the continent and elsewhere.

This reduction in work has actually bolstered our field engineer availability within the UK. 

Much of this strength is owing to the cross-training programmes which we already have in place, allowing our staff to meet a range of client requirements – benefitting the client, and us as an organisation.  

Maximising our potential

Our work includes a wide range of functions - from machinery movement and export packing to logistics and even conformity assessments. Our cross-training programme is integral in ensuring that staff development is structured in a way which grows our personnel into excellent all-rounders.

We are dedicated to broadening the skill sets of our staff, allowing them to perform a variety of functions across many areas of our business. Let’s take the example of the riggers who are involved with moving manufacturing equipment. Not only do they take responsibility for the movement of machines to and from facilities and freight forwarding, but they are also trained in de-installation.


Then there are our Field Service Engineers – who are the epitome of multi-talented professionals. Not only can they take on equipment installation and modification responsibilities, but they are also fully trained in ensuring compliance with regulations such as PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations). This is another example of a wide skill set which offers value to both our clients, and us as a company.

When cross-training counts

It is this ethos of being able to spread our expertise as widely as possible which is now standing us in good stead as we face the challenging circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. UK manufacturers can rely on us for help when, and where, they need it, without the complications attached to appointing several suppliers for one project.

Our cross-training programme has put us in a robust position

At a time when some engineering services providers can be ‘caught short’ when it comes to providing resources, the cross-training programme which we have been committed to for years has put us in a robust position.

Building the experience of our employees to touch upon all aspects of the services we offer allows us to complete complex tasks independently, without the need to subcontract certain elements of a job. This creates a more cost-effective project for us, enabling the passing of cost savings on to our customers.

Prepared for plentiful packing

Export packing is one service for which we expect to see heightened demand at this time. There will be many UK manufacturers who are unable to use their current suppliers - especially those who are internationally-based - as a result of the disruption caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. We are here to help, having stocked up to higher levels than normal with a range of different types of timber.

Those with pressing export packing needs can rely on IES to provide made to measure crates in varying sizes and specifications, and our mobile packing labour, ensuring safe transit for items large and small.

There when you need us

Supporting customers has always been a key ethos at IES. We are able to offer many of our regular services, and are pleased to lend a hand elsewhere where necessary during this uncertain time. 

Call us on +44 (0)117 938 0600 to find out how we can help you.


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