Blog | IES

Semiconductor Equipment and Process Training | IES

Written by Admin | Sep 4, 2018 6:49:00 AM

IES offers a variety of courses that cover a wide range of topics central to the semiconductor industry.

To those who know us this will come as no great surprise; IES has been providing programme management and specialist services for semiconductor equipment and factory relocation since 1991. We have a diverse and experienced team of engineers, programme managers and equipment specialists, with more than 150 years’ experience between them; all more than keen to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for semiconductors with others eager to learn. It’s also an opportunity for us to express our commitment to this industry by providing a quality engineering resource.


Process and Tool-Based Training Courses

How do we do this?

Two ways: Firstly, we offer a range of both process- and tool-based training courses. These include:

  • Ion Implanter Equipment Training – Maintenance and diagnostic trouble shooting, including for AMAT, Axcellis and (formally) Varian tools

  • AMAT P5000 Equipment Training – Maintenance and diagnostic trouble shooting

  • Process Development – Tungsten (Wolfram) Chemical Vapour Disposition, Low Pressure CVD, Wet Clean and Plasma Etching, including for AMAT, Centura and Endura

  • Furnace Training – multiple system types, horizontal, vertical, RTP

  • Bespoke Training Plan

Secondly, we can work with you to assess your specific training needs and from that develop a bespoke training plan to cover the subject/s to the depth required in the time available.

These courses can be held at your own premises to minimise your travel and downtime, or at our premises in Bristol.

Who are they for? Anyone in the industry! In essence our courses are designed for the effective professional development of technical professionals in the semiconductor and integrated circuit manufacturing industry; be they new or experienced. They can be matched to your specific toolset – providing your process engineers with the knowledge of which parameters to modify to produce the desired effect.

IES are semiconductor specialists. Read more about our semiconductor equipment services here

Robust Module Design, Process Integration and Design of Experiments

Less specific training can also be provided in robust process module design, process integration and design of experiments.

Delegates to our training courses could well include:

  • Process engineers in the manufacturing environment

  • Process development engineers and scientists

  • Device engineers

  • Product engineers

  • IC designers

  • Failure analysis engineers

  • Process equipment engineers

  • Manufacturing managers and key decision-makers

  • Senior-level technicians

  • Reliability and yield enhancement engineers

Discuss Your Specific Semiconductor Training Needs

Next step? Why not get in touch to discuss your requirements and to find out how we should help? Contact us here.